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Projekt neve Projekt azon. Érintett egység PTE szerepe Projekt kezdési időpontja Projekt befejezési időpontja Program
Resilience driven enhancement of the social-economic upscaling of the Danube-Drava-Sava macro region UPSCALE-DDS partner INTERREG Duna Program
H2SCALE -Egy skálázható, zöld hidrogénalapú gazdasági modell kialakításának előkészítése a Duna-régió helyi közösségei számára. DRP0401142 KTK vezető INTERREG Duna Program
DRWO4.0 - Danube Region Wood Industry Transformation Model towards Industry 4.0 DRP0200218 MIK partner INTERREG Duna Transznacionális Program
EU PAL-COPD - A palliatív ellátás integrálására irányuló ICLEAR-EU beavatkozás értékelése az előrehaladott COPD-ben szenvedők és családtagjaikat ápoló személyek kezelésében 2020-2.1.1-ED-2023-00260 ÁOK partner Horizon Europe
RTIT>> - Knowhow Communities for Accelerating RTI Transfer in the Danube Region DRP0200218 MIK partner INTERREG Duna Transznacionális Program
GreenPee - An innovative Physical Education model for sustainable personal and environmental health 22320236 TTK vezető Visegrádi Alap
Egészségügyi megközelítések vizsgálata a denevérek által okozott vírusvészhelyzetek megértésére, előrejelzésére és megelőzésére – OneBAT 2020-2.1.1-ED-2023-00256 partner Horizon Europe
Szimpózium - Ápolás az interdiszciplináris egészségügyi ellátásban Visegrad Fund 22310227 Visegrádi Alap
EURASIA - East Asia at a Crossroads - BTK vezető Eurasia Foundation (from Asia)
Wellbeing 22310140 ÁOK vezető Visegrádi Alap
TransGeo CE0100071 TTK partner INTERREG Közép-Európa
ACCESSIBLE - The development of the innovative educational method of ACCESSIBLE tourism in Central Europe 2022-2-HU01- KA220-HED-000099410 KTK vezető ERASMUS +
Olive Trees Health and Yield Prediction through EO data and Machine Learning EO Africa R&D MIK partner EO Africa Research and Development Facility
IronSleep - Neuroimaging és viselkedési biomarkerek a korai stádiumban lévő Parkinson-kór progressziójának és a mögöttes mechanizmusok a vizsgálatában 2019-2.1.7-ERA-NET-2022-00046 KK vezető ERA-NET
GATEKEEPER - Smart Living Homes - Whole Interventions Demonstrator For People At Health And Social Risks 857223 GYTK partner Horizont 2020
EIT Healthcare 2021-1.2.1-EIT-KIC-2021-00005 ÁOK partner Horizon Europe
3D-BioDegBone 2022-1.2.7-EUROSTARS-2022-00003 3D Nyomtatási és Vizualizációs Központ partner Eureka Eurostars
CUPID - Cancer- Understanding Prevention in Intellectual Disabilities CA21123 ETK partner COST
EDUC II. - European Digital UniverCity - Building a bridging alliance 101089535 - EDUC II. RK partner ERASMUS +
EuPRAXIA Doctoral Network 101073480 TTK partner Horizon Europe
EuPRAXIA Preparatory Phase Project 101079773 TTK partner Horizon Europe
V4 Booster V4 Booster (22220040) BTK partner Visegrádi Alap
Adat-EDIH 101083971 GYTK partner Horizon Europe
Igazságos Átállás Alap (Just Transition Fund) - CERV
Igazságos Átállás Alap (Just Transition Fund) - Horizon Europe
VSLLN4YOU VSLLN4YOU (22220120) partner Visegrádi Alap
ONELAB - Orchestrating next-generation mobile modular laboratories for pandemic monitoring preparedness 101073924 ÁOK partner Horizon Europe
PRO-ME-ToM - Promoting the Development of Teachers and Students Metacognitive and Theory of Mind Skills 2022-1-CY01-KA220-SCH-000088168 BTK partner ERASMUS +
PAL-CYCLES - PALliative Care Yields Cancer welLbEing Support  101057243 (HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-01) ÁOK partner Horizon Europe
PRIME - Promoting and Improving Existing Methods of Youth Participation 2022-1-HU01-KA220-YOU-000089532 BTK partner ERASMUS +
GOLIAT - 5G expOsure, causaL effects, and rIsk perception through citizen engAgemenT 101057262 TTK partner Horizon Europe
V4 -Supporting mental health in organisations: developing future business leaders 22210016 KTK partner Visegrádi Alap
IDEaL - Digital Language Learning for the Healthcare Sector 2021-2-AT01-KA220-VET-000049281 ETK partner ERASMUS +
LITMAG - East European Literary Magazines 1945 – 2004: Testing the Boundaries and paving the way to democratization 101051192 (CERV-2021-CITIZENS-REM) BTK partner Horizon Europe
PACIFY-D - Promoting the Active CItizenship oF Youth through Diplomacy 2021-2-HU01-KA220-YOU-000048953 BTK vezető ERASMUS +
TWAC - THz Wave Accelerating Cavity for ultrafast science 101046504 TTK partner Horizon Europe
CLIMATEMED - Developing new curriculum outlines and learning materials on climate change's health impacts for medical schools 2021-2-HU01-KA220-HED-000050972 ÁOK vezető ERASMUS +
LEARN&EXCHANGE - Upskilling the Information Professionals of the Future: Novel Digital Transformation MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) 2021-1-TR01-KA220-HED-000027639 BTK partner ERASMUS +
V4DevCo - V4 Development Cooperation Trialogue: reinforcing synergies, sharing good practices 22130024 BTK partner Visegrádi Alap
ELUCID - Elucidating the immune response of Schreiber's bats to Lloviu virus infection in vitro and in vivo 4500004237 SZKK partner NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award (R21)
ISIDORe - Integrated Services for Infectious Disease Outbreak Research 101046113 (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EMERGENCY-02) SZKK partner Horizon Europe
EIT Health 211192 ÁOK partner Horizont 2020
ELPIS - E-Learning on Palliative care for International Students  2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000023205 ÁOK partner ERASMUS +
JOIN-RISe - Joint development of innovative blended learning in STEM curricula based on SDGs for a resilient, inclusive and sustainable education  2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000032139 MIK partner ERASMUS +
E4A - Erasmus for All 2021-1-PT01-KA220-HED-000023302 BTK partner ERASMUS +
CONSCIOUS II. - Curriculum Development of Human Clinical Trials for the Next Generation of PhD Students and Early Career Researchers in the Medical, Science, Pharmacy and Health Professions 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000023177 SZKK partner ERASMUS +
COHRICE - Challenges of human reproductive medicine in a changing Europe: an innovative professional curriculum for graduate medical education 2021-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000027613 SZKK vezető ERASMUS +
VIBE - Biomedical and STEM/STEAM Education 2021-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000032251 ÁOK vezető ERASMUS +
LEANBODY - LEAN in Medical Education: Reaching for Quality Management Tools to Teach Human Anatomy Effectively in a Multicultural and Multilingual Learning Space 2021-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000027542 ÁOK vezető ERASMUS +
DigLit - Lit up your Phones: A Digital Toolkit for ESL/EFL Classroom to Combat Social Inequalities in Times of Covid19 Crises 2020-1-AT01-KA226-SCH-092641 BTK partner ERASMUS +