Recommended by whom?
The following recommendations were formulated based on the analysis of the results of the survey tools that were used to canvass the opinions of a selected group of anatomists from Central Europe and Cambridge, and educators from the Karolinska Institutet, as well as feedback questionnaires completed by participants at workshops and multiplier events. The full sets of survey questions can be found here.
Recommendations for anatomists:
· Be familiar with the international quality standards of medical education, and know which organisation is responsible for accreditation of medical schools in your country.
· Consider how anatomy teachers can contribute to the development of professional values, behaviours, skills, and knowledge of their students.
· Implement some of the ways in which students can show their respect to the donors in a dissection-based anatomy course, e.g., writing of tributes.
· Reflect on and determine some of the causes of the high failure rates in anatomy courses in your institution, and seek effective solutions to remedy this.
· Learn about the different strategies involved in student-centred pedagogy and use some of these techniques to enhance student engagement and participation.
· Evaluate whether all elements of traditional pedagogy should be retained within the anatomy course, supplementing this with more student-centred activities
· Be aware of mental health support services for both students and staff in your institution, and improve signposting to such resources.
· Consider how students can be actively involved in research activities during their anatomy courses, as well as increasing their awareness of variations and pathology
· Review the amount of detail that is being taught in the anatomy course, and consider which are essential, i.e., core material that all doctors should always know.
· Be prepared to decrease the amount of detail being taught while increasing the clinical relevance of the anatomy curriculum by using more case scenarios
Please note that there will be a certain amount of overlap in the findings, conclusions, and recommendations from the five Topics, as these are all closely interlinked.