Watch the welcome message of the Clinical Dean of Cambridge University, UK, back in 2022 while hosting us in Cambridge for a LEANbody training event:
WELCOME to the LEANbody project!

Your Context: Your dissecting rooms are welcoming international students to receive hands-on training in human anatomy in English.
As an anatomist, have you struggled with such issues as:
- Exam results of your international students are below standards?
- Feedback from international students about the quality of your teaching is below expectations?
- Lack of student interaction and engagement?
- Lack of confidence whether the quality of your routine in teaching anatomy through English fits with international quality standards of medical education?
If you say YES to any of these questions, you are either a STUPID Anatomist not planning to improve, or you are planning to improve.
Let's see if you are a truly STUPID Anatomist!
Watch this 5-minutes short video about the THEORY of STUPIDITY!

(learn more about the author here)
Looking for ways to improve your teaching traditions, this is how the LEANbody approach works:
STEP 1. Take this short QUIZ!
STEP 2. Check out the LEANbody project!
STEP 3. Check out the TOPICS of this website!
STEP 4. Check out the LEANbody TOOLS created for you to use!
STEP 5. Provide feedback here!
(For a more nuanced context about what stupidity means, watch this 10-minutes short video about the Cultural Context of Stupidity!