You are kindly invited to the JPP SES Conference, on 18 - 20 October 2022, online - please save the date!
Join our conference on strategic actions to implement Energy Systems Integration at local, regional, European level – and even beyond! You will have the chance to exchange with decision-makers, funding partners, projects partners, experts from the Knowledge Community, our network partners of Living Labs and Testbeds, Digital Platform Providers, Associated Partners as well as…
Presenting an R&I agenda for REPowerEU
Date: 19 October 2022
Time: 9:00 – 13:00 CET followed by a networking lunch
Location: Brussels, TownHall Europe
Join us in the EERA event, "REPowering Europe for a sustainable EU strategic autonomy", featuring high-level discussions and invited speakers from the EU institutions and…
The Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) entrusted Technopolis Group Belgium to carry out a study with the objective of collecting stories of small retailers who have transformed or tried to transform their business to make it greener, more digital and/or introduce customer-centric solutions. The European Commission would like to better understand how small retailers evolve, what helps their transition and what…
The CETPartnership is a new transnational initiative (part of the European Partnerships in Horizon Europe) on joint research, technological development and Innovation (RTDI) programming to boost and accelerate the energy transition, building upon regional and national RTDI funding programmes. The transition envisioned by the CETPartnership will be a joint effort from industry, public organisations, research and citizen organisations to make Europe the front-runner…
We are pleased to announce that the first DUT Partnership joint call for proposals is currently planned to open on the 21st of September 2022. The purpose of this Call is to support transnational research and/or innovation projects addressing urban challenges to help cities in their transition towards a more sustainable economy and functioning. The challenges are grouped into three themes called Transition Pathways: Positive Energy Districts (PED), the 15-Minute…
A Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal az ELKH Természettudományi Kutatóközponttal és a Fiatal Kutatók Akadémiájával együttműködésben online workshopot szervez a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA PF) ösztöndíjprogramjáról. Az online workshopra elsősorban olyan kutatók jelentkezését várjuk, akik pályázatukat az MSCA PF aktuális, 2022. szeptember 14-i beadási határidővel kiírt pályázati felhívására kívánják benyújtani, magyar fogadóintézménnyel.
A Biodiversa+ európai partnerség a nyarat követően jelenteti meg új transznacionális felhívását a következő témában: A biológiai sokféleségnek és az ökoszisztémák változásainak a tudomány és a társadalom érdekében történő hatékonyabb transznacionális monitorozása (Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society).
Bővebben: https://nkfih.…
The Department of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Pécs organized a Kick-off meeting in connection with the PACIFY-D Erasmus+ project on 20-21 June 2022, in the House of Civil Communities in Pécs. The two-day meeting was attended by participants from 6 countries. The aim of the first meeting of the project was to ensure that all partners jointly understood the objectives and activities of the project.
The final conference of the Medtech4 Europe Interreg Europe project will take place on 14-15 June 2022. The event will be hosted by the Technologies for a Living Environment Cluster in Italy. The event will also be represented by University of Pécs.
More info:
The Closing Demonstration Hybrid Conference of the PGI04950 Medtech4 Europe Pilot Action project will take place at the University of Pécs Medical School on 9 June 2022 from 9:00 until 12:45
The event will also be represented by the South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency (DDRIÜ) and Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).
We invite you to register for the hybrid event here.
Preliminary Agenda:
9:00-9:30 Registration…
1. számú Ajánlatkérés
Ajánlatkérés tárgya: Solid plates (laboratóriumi fogyóeszköz) beszerzése a CABCOS3 (’…
The Masaryk University organized a Kick-off meeting in connection with the LEANBODY Erasmus+ project on 9-10th December 2021 in Brno. The two-day meeting was attended by participants from 4 countries (the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), the Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), the University of Zagreb (Croatia), and the University of Pécs (Hungary). The aim…
1. számú Ajánlatkérés
Ajánlatkérés tárgya:A mérési eljárás folyamatainak független tanúsítása az MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 szabványnak megfelelően
(Independent certification of measurement processes according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.)
Ajánlattételi határidő: 2022.02.28
The 1st Kick-off meeting of the LEANBODY (Erasmus+ KA220) project will take place on 9-10 December 2022. The event will be hosted by Masaryk University.
The LEANBODY Project is an international cooperation led by the associate professor of the UPMS Anatomy Department, dr. András Dávid Nagy. Its aim is to acquire the education methodology techniques and views necessary for teaching human anatomy efficiently in a multicultural and multilingual environment. The goal is to…
The Diverfarming project team analyse the effects of the carbon cycle on the introduction of crops in a system of rainfed almond trees and another of irrigated mandarin trees
Agriculture and the change in soil use produce 23% of the total emissions of greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin. Moreover, the expansion and intensification of agriculture are considered determining factors in soil loss and degradation by accelerating erosion rates and favouring the loss of organic matter…
1. számú Ajánlatkérés
Ajánlatkérés tárgya: Nyilvánossággal kapcsolatos feladatok biztosítása a CHOIR című HUHR/1901/3.1.2/0040 számú projekt keretében
Ajánlattételi határidő: 2021.09.06; 10:00
Ajánlattétel módja: e-mail: