Presenting an R&I agenda for REPowerEU
Date: 19 October 2022
Time: 9:00 – 13:00 CET followed by a networking lunch
Location: Brussels, TownHall Europe
Join us in the EERA event, "REPowering Europe for a sustainable EU strategic autonomy", featuring high-level discussions and invited speakers from the EU institutions and Member States and Associated Countries, leading international organisations, industrial organisations, and prominent research institutions in Europe. While calling for out-of-the-box approaches, the EERA conference will aim to address some of the following urging questions: How can research contribute even more to short-term implementation challenges? How to increase the impact of research knowledge on the policymaking process? How can researchers, policymakers and industry empower each other to accelerate finding those lasting solutions that will make the EU more sustainable, energy secure and autonomous? It is foreseen that the event will be conducted in person, if conditions allow. Broadcasting of the event will also be available to online participants.