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Science in V4 – Development of Novel Sensors for Diagnosis of Diabetes

Projektmenedzser neve, elérhetősége
Barnaki Bernadett,
Szakmai vezető neve, elérhetősége
Dr. Nagy Géza,
Projekt teljes költségvetése
42.747 EUR
PTE teljes költségvetése
12.603 EUR
Projekt kezdési dátum
Projekt zárási dátum
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (SK)
Masaryk University (CZ), University of Pecs (HU)
Általános leírás

Ismeretek kibővítése az elektrokémia, a nanotechnológiák, valamint a nanoanyagokkal módosított elektrokémiai érzékelők előállításához a cukorbetegség diagnózisához.

Főbb kategóriák (futó projektjeink)
Projekt azonosító
Projekt címe

Science in V4 – Development of Novel Sensors for Diagnosis of Diabetes

Projektmenedzser neve, elérhetősége
Bernadett Barnaki,
Szakmai vezető neve, elérhetősége
Géza Nagy Dr.,
Projekt teljes költségvetése
42.747 EUR
PTE teljes költségvetése
12.603 EUR
Projekt kezdési dátum
Projekt zárási dátum
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (SK)
Masaryk University (CZ), University of Pecs (HU)
Általános leírás

Currently, the coronavirus pandemic affects the whole world, and numbers of infected and dead persons are rising at an incredible rate, all of us are becoming more aware of the necessity of continuous science and research support. This pandemic has also thought us that close cooperation with neighboring countries is needful, not only at the political level but especially in the medical and scientific fields. The main aim of this project is to deepen the cooperation between three participating V4 countries (Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, and Hungary), discuss scientific issues and focus on the promotion of excellent research realized in V4 countries on the scientific conferences abroad. All participating organizations dispose of world-wide known experts with different areas of electrochemistry and nanomaterials. The scientific goal of our highly professional group of experts is in the construction of a non-enzymatic electrochemical sensor for the detection of biomolecules, primarily insulin or glucose. In diabetes diagnostic, it is crucial to monitor the concentration of these analysts. According to WHO statistics (2016), diabetes caused 1.6 million deaths per year. Therefore it is necessary to focus on the development of a fast, cheap, and effective sensor for the diagnosis of diabetes. The huge disadvantages of currently commercially used enzymatic glucose sensors are high price, and stability only in certain pH and temperature ranges. Since insulin and glucose determination at non-enzymatic sensors will be intensively studied as another approach for diabetes diagnostic.

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