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The choirs of PécsUniversity Choir and the Josip Strossmayer University Academy ofArts(Osijek) perform a joint artprogram.

Project summary

Medical technologies are a key sector for the future in Europe by bringing solutions to reduce healthcare costs in a context of ageing population.


Strengthen existing transnational networks of adult education providers by means of mutual learning, peer counselling, and capacity building.

This project brings together 4 higher education institutions in 4 European countries: the French Red Cross IRFSS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes in France, University of Pécs in Hungary, Universitat de Lleida in Spain and Laurea University of Applied Sciences in Finland.

The „EDUCating for Positive Management” project was designed by the six members of the EDUC European University selected by Erasmus+ in 2019.

River networks are among Earth’s most threatened hot-spots of biodiversity and provide key ecosystem services (eg. supply drinking water and food, climate regulation) essential to sustaining human well-being.

The primary goal of NEWSREEL2 - New Teaching Fields for the Next Generation of Journalists is to improve such skills of a new generation of European journalists that are connected to the use of digital communication opportunities in a creative and responsible way for enhancing social benefits of

Talent, like all other phenomena, requires to be managed. Many programs are designed to manage manpower talents in business and service sectors, but not a clear program exists for managing students’ talents in schools.

There is a constant challenge for higher education institutions to cope with social-economical changes and provide education programs that prepare new professionals for knowledge and skills the society and the labour market both require and can place in their systems.

Our major aim in this joint project between the University of Pécs, Department of Immunology and Biotechnology, and the Department of Public Health Service Baranja County, Osijek – is to earn a clear and evidence based status report of immunity protection of cross-borde

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