Skoči na glavni sadržaj

NetMIB - Network of multidisciplinary ideation and business model generation

Project ID
Project title

Network of multidisciplinary ideation and business model generation

Project manager, contact details
Krisztián Tóth,
Academic supervisor, contact details
Zsolt Bedő, dr. ,
Total project budget
299.514 EUR
Total budget of UP
46.530 EUR
Project start date
Project end date
Pécsi Tudományegyetem (HU)
Partner Organisations
COTEC Fondazione per l’Innovazione Tecnologica (IT), Parc Cientific Tecnológic i Empresarial de la Unversitat Jaume I. SL (ES), Sout East European Research Centre (GR), Tamperen Yliopisto (FI) North Carolina State University (USA)
General description

Creating a common framework and a unified entrepreneurial ecosystem across the EU that includes HEIs as the engine of open innovation, inequality among the regions of the EU can be decreased. The main objective of the NetMIB is to facilitate the efficient cooperation between the public - private - governmental sphere of the economy in order to enable socio-economic growth via the development of entrepreneurial skills, capacity of university students. This general objective involves the improvement of the quality and relevance of the teaching methodology at the participating HEIs to develop entrepreneurial capacity of university students. The project while developing entrepreneurial capacity aims at providing answers to current socio-economic problems by generating relevant business ideas on the part of university students. This action learning approach will further strengthen the functioning of the Triple Helix model at the participating HEIs. By internationally interconnecting the participating HEIs' ideation and business model generation practices in the framework of the NetMIB significant intercultural, cross industrial, and multidisciplinary benefits will arise on the parts of all participants. The project also intends to establish a transnational entrepreneurship ecosystem that can support the development of entrepreneurial skills of participating persons (students, faculty members, business professionals, public servents,...etc), while creating innovative solutions that are able to solve regional, national or international socio-economic problems.
The project consortium consists of two research institutions, three HEIs, one being an oversees expert in the field and one university lead sceince park as members. The consortium is further supported by associated partners who are part of the knwoledge triangle at each local ecosystem and will benefit from the improvement of the local and the establisment of a transnational entrepreneurial ecosystem. The research insituttions have conducted extensive research activities in the field of educational methodologies, while the HEIs have been implementing state of the art entrepreneurship educations tools and methods to enhance socio-economic benefit of their activities.

Application monitoring