Skoči na glavni sadržaj
Project ID
Project title

Digital Language Learning for the Healthcare Sector

Project manager, contact details
Barnaki Bernadett,
Academic supervisor, contact details
Karamánné Dr. Pakai Annamária,
Total project budget
205.513 EUR
Total budget of UP
24.017 EUR
Project start date
Project end date
DATEY Eyrich GmbH (DE)
Partner Organisations GmbH (AT), Topcoach s.r.o. (SK), University of Pecs (HU)
General description

Jelen projekt innovatív, több európai országban bevált online nyelvtanulási eszközök és az ahhoz tartozó képzési útmutató kidolgozásával kívánja áthidalni a tanulók, hallgatók nyelvi készségeinek és a tanárok esetleges digitális kompetenciáinak hiánya közötti rést.

Application monitoring
News reference
Interjú az „Innovatív digitális nyelvtanulás az egészségügyi szektorban dolgozók számára” (2021-2-AT01-KA220-VET-000049281) című pályázat keretében megvalósult projektről

Project ID
Project title

Digital Language Learning for the Healthcare Sector

Project manager, contact details
Bernadett Barnaki,
Academic supervisor, contact details
Annamária Karamánné Pakai Dr.,
Total project budget
205.513 EUR
Total budget of UP
24.017 EUR
Project start date
Project end date
DATEY Eyrich GmbH (DE)
Partner Organisations GmbH (AT), Topcoach s.r.o. (SK), University of Pecs (HU)
General description


A survey conducted with the main Educational Health Organization in Austria showed that roughly 50% of initial applicants for classes leading to a qualification in the healthcare sector do not succeed in their training due to a lack of adequate language skills (German). An additional problem is that 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants - as well as other non-native speakers - have neither the appropriate level of language nor the vocabulary to pursue their (further) education in the healthcare sector and obtain the necessary qualifications for entering the workforce. In Germany, the situation is comparable; 56% of unqualified healthcare workers have a migration background and 27,3% of these come from Eastern-European countries (Federal Statistical Office, Institute for Adult Education, Federal Employment Agency). Health tourism, with people seeking affordable healthcare e.g. in Eastern European Countries, and German-speaking students wishing to study or train in non-German-speaking countries are further considerations that underline the urgent need for improved, vocation-specific language skills for the healthcare sector.


This project develops top-notch instruments and methodologies in coordination with the partner institutions to forward the innovation-led transformation process of the learning culture of VET institutions. As an output of the project VET trainers will be equipped with a digital learning platform which not only comprises up to date training methodologies but is interlinked/connected to a language learning tool that has been awarded multiple times and complies with the zeitgeist. The platform can be used in blended learning settings and all developed tools will be accessible anytime and anywhere due to their complete digital finish. The IDEAL project will bridge the gap between recognized language skill deficits (in German) and current VET training/teaching/counselling methods in the healthcare sector. It will do this by developing an innovative online language learning approach, consisting of learning videos (using interactive subtitles) and an interactive glossary, which will be a part of a digital learning platform, and secondly, a teacher’s handbook with practical and methodological guidelines for the best usage of the videos, glossary and other materials collected. Additionally, it aims to offer digital learning tools to students and trainees in neighbouring countries (Hungary, Slovakia, Germany) so that they can improve their German language skills and enter the healthcare sector. Accordingly, the project aims to contribute to 1) raising the practical skill level of VET trainers/teachers/counsellors, and 2) improve German language skills and labour market integration of trainees in the healthcare sector. Furthermore, it seeks to promote the use of innovative digital learning tools for language proficiency and skills training, and transfer knowledge in this area among countries. Finally, the project aims to contribute to better employability for people from partner countries wishing to train/work in the healthcare sector in German-speaking countries.

Application monitoring
News reference
Interjú az „Innovatív digitális nyelvtanulás az egészségügyi szektorban dolgozók számára” (2021-2-AT01-KA220-VET-000049281) című pályázat keretében megvalósult projektről