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PACIFY-D - Promoting the Active CItizenship oF Youth through Diplomacy

Project ID
Project title

Promoting the Active CItizenship oF Youth through Diplomacy

Project manager, contact details
Krisztina Fertői-Héra,
Academic supervisor, contact details
Andrea Schmidt Dr.,
Total project budget
257.530 EUR
Total budget of UP
37.220 EUR
Project start date
Project end date
University of Pécs (HU)

Partner Organisations
Kentro Merimnas Oikogeneias Kai Paidiou (EL), KMOP-Policy Center Asbil (BE), GEA – Societa Cooperativa Sicoale (IT), Fundacio Interarts per a la Cooperacio Cultural International (ES),
Association des Agences de la Democratie Locale (FR)
General description

The PACIFY-D project will be working towards providing innovative training opportunities to young people and establishing Country Info Points as local learning centres for youth education, developing guidance on the organisation and support of the operation of such environments. The purpose is primarily to strengthen democratic attitudes through civic engagement and civic participation.

Application monitoring
News reference

In a culmination of collaborative efforts, partners of the PACIFY-D - Promoting the Active Citizenship of Youth through Diplomacy project gathered for th

On June 15, 2023, the PACIFY-D project partners gathered together in Strasbourg (France) for the third face-to-face Transnational Meeting.

The Department of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Pécs organized a Kick-off meeting in connection with the PACIFY-D Erasmus+ project on 2