Skoči na glavni sadržaj

Smart Ground - SMART data collection and inteGRation platform to enhance availability and accessibility of data and infOrmation in the EU territory on SecoNDary Raw Materials

Project ID
641988 (H2020-WASTE-2014-one-stage)
Project title

SMART data collection and inteGRation platform to enhance availability and accessibility of data and infOrmation in the EU territory on SecoNDary Raw Materials

Project manager, contact details
Réka Jankovics,
Academic supervisor, contact details
Csaba Vér,
Total project budget
2.496.801 EUR
Total budget of UP
183.025 EUR
Project start date
Project end date
Partner Organisations
Mikkelin Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (FI), Geologian Tutkimuskeskus (FI), Metsaesairila Oy (FI), Ramboll Finland Oy (FI), Bay Zoltán Alkalmazott Kutatási Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. (HU), MKM Consulting Mérnöki Környezetvédelmi és Menedzsment Tanácsadó Kft. (HU), Universita Degli Studi Di Torino (IT), Imageo S.R.L. (IT), Atos Spain S.A. (ES), Cranfield University (GB), Regione Piemonte (IT), Bioazul (ES), Pécsi Tudományegyetem (HU)
General description

SMART GROUND aims at improving the availability and accessibility of data and information on SRM (Secondary Raw Materials) in the EU territory, while creating collaborations and synergies among the different stakeholders involved in the SRM value chain. In order to do so, the consortium will carry out a set of activities to integrate all the data from existing sources and new information retrieved with time progress, in a single EU database. Such database will also enable the exchange of contacts and information among the relevant stakeholders (e.g. companies), which are interested in providing or obtaining SRM.

Horizon 2020
Application monitoring