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TWAC - THz Wave Accelerating Cavity for ultrafast science

Project ID
Project title

THz Wave Accelerating Cavity for ultrafast science 

Project manager, contact details
Tóth Enikő,
Academic supervisor, contact details
János Hebling Dr.,
Total project budget
3 198 152 EUR
Total budget of UP
634 250 EUR
Project start date
Project end date
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (FR)

Partner Organisations
ITEOX (FR), Deutsche Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY (DE), University of Pécs (HU)
General description

Particle accelerators are devices of primary importance in a large range of applications such as fundamental particle physics, nuclear physics, light sources, imaging, neutron sources, transmutation of nuclear waste. They are also used every day for cargo inspection, medical diagnostics and radiotherapy worldwide. Electron is the easiest particle to produce and manipulate, resulting in an unequaled energy over cost ratio. However, there is an urgent and growing need to reduce the footprint of accelerators in order to lower their cost and environmental impact. We propose developing a new structure sustaining the accelerating wave pushing up the particle energy, which will enable democratizing the access to femtosecond-scale electron bunch for ultrafast phenomena studies. This light and compact accelerator based on its size and weight will for example enable it to be mounted on a robotic arm, to move around a patient for medical applications or material inspection for industrial applications.

Horizon Europe
Application monitoring