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Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease with a steadily increasing incidence. PD is caused by abnormal protein and iron deposition, which starts years or decades before the first motor symptoms of the disease appear.

AENEID is a new educational paradigm that will revolutionize the field of Neurosurgery.

Our major aim in this joint project between the University of Pécs, Department of Immunology and Biotechnology, and the Department of Public Health Service Baranja County, Osijek – is to earn a clear and evidence based status report of immunity protection of cross-borde

The overall aim of the SPRING project is to present an integrated water resource management for reliable water supply for all needs that involve; developing innovative simple to operate bio oxidation systems for treatment of polluted water bodies (stagnant and flowing),

The Joint Action on Rare Cancers (JARC) is aimed to integrate and maximize efforts of the European Union (EU) Commission, EU Member States and all stakeholders to advance quality of care and research on rare cancers.

There are many efforts at European level to improve our ability to monitor health and to prevent, detect, treat and manage disease so that active and healthy ageing can be promoted.

ImproveMEd project proposal is educational extension of Health Impulse in terms of preparing and performing joined educational postgraduate specialistic training program in basic medical sciences, providing theoretical and practical knowledge in laboratory environment f

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