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GATEKEEPER - Smart Living Homes - Whole Interventions Demonstrator For People At Health And Social Risks

Project ID
Project title

Smart Living Homes - Whole Interventions Demonstrator For People At Health And Social Risks

Project manager, contact details
Bernadett Barnaki,
Academic supervisor, contact details
Sándor Kovács Dr.,
Total project budget
7.500 EUR
Total budget of UP
4.650 EUR
Project start date
Project end date
RSCN (Reference Site Collaborative Network)

Partner Organisations
Medical University of Lodz (PL), Medication Adherence Research Centre, Department of Family Medicine (PL), University of Pecs (HU)
General description

GATEKEEPER is a European Multi Centric Large-Scale Pilot on Smart Living Environments. The main objective is enabling the creation of a platform that connects healthcare providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, and elderly citizens and the communities they live in, in order to originate an open, trust-based arena for matching ideas, technologies, user needs and processes, aimed at ensuring healthier independent lives for the ageing populations. The scope of GATEKEEPER is the application of advanced Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) to tackle the challenge of improving the quality of life of citizens while demonstrating its significant efficiency gains in health and care delivery across Europe. The main objective of the Project is to create a GATEKEEPER, that connects healthcare providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, elderly citizens and the communities they live in, in order to originate an open, trust-based arena for matching ideas, technologies, user needs and processes, aimed at ensuring healthier independent lives for the ageing populations.

Horizon 2020
Application monitoring