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EuPRAXIA is the first European project that develops a dedicated particle accelerator research infrastructure based on novel plasma acceleration concepts and laser technology.

The main objective of the project is to foster the broader participation of V4 (Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) non-state development actors in European Union (EU) development funding programs.

The jointly organized XV International Nursing Symposium, titled "Nursing in Interdisciplinary Healthcare," will take place on September 21-22, 2023.

To develop innovative and cost-efficient solutions for mental health care in the post-covid times, we need to get the businesses involved. We address this issue by developing a series of workshops, focusing on mental health in organizations.

The aim of the project is to boost mobility and networking through the joint t

The VSLLN4YOU project aims to create the Living Labs (LLs) network, which will enable the co-creation and

The project responds to the current situation associated with the covid-19 epidemic and its impact on university teaching.


Strengthen existing transnational networks of adult education providers by means of mutual learning, peer counselling, and capacity building.

The primary goal of NEWSREEL2 - New Teaching Fields for the Next Generation of Journalists is to improve such skills of a new generation of European journalists that are connected to the use of digital communication opportunities in a creative and responsible way for enhancing social benefits of

V4GU aims at contributing to the support of today’s largest challenge, the fight against climate change. The special report of IPCC on global warning was announced in Incheon, on 8 Oct 2018.

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